  • L.I.N.K. is @ the First Christian Church 221 W. 10th – Lawrence, Kansas
    Lunch is @ 1 p.m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., Sun.


You’re here because you’re spectacular!

Please take a look at the information on the right. We’ve indicated the amount of food that is needed for each serving session, and a quick timeline of how the serving session runs. Serving teams are coached by our tremendous staff. Follow their helpful guidance to ensure your team has a memorable, fuzzy good experience serving at LINK.

You may also download our guide to get a sense of what your team will be doing and gain some insight on what is required. WELCOME!

Download the LINK serving guide

  • Create a team of at least 10 people. 12 is best.
  • Youngsters (12 or under) are welcome, but must be supervised by an adult
  • Identify one person on your team to communicate with LINK.
  • Make sure your team is able to put together a meal and serve it.

Awesome! Your team is available to serve together.

Your team leader must contact LINK before going any further. 

Please call 785-331-3663 to lock in your date.

Be aware that our phone is only answered during serving times, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday 11 am -2 pm. We also check email at that time.

Email the co-ordinator and she will get back to you. Thanks.

We are grateful and are looking forward to meeting your team. Please hold off on your preparations until your serving date is confirmed and you’ve had a chance to chat with someone from LINK. Thanks.

Your date is set. Good job! Time to get cracking . Plan your menu and organize your team.

Signup Genius is an easy way to organize your group. Email, phone, or Facebook can be useful as well.

Sign up genius

Comfort food casseroles! Needs no explanation, we all love it.

Taco Tuesday! (or any day) This is a hit and can be a lot of fun.

LINK cookout Bring your grills and let the burgers speak for themselves.

Let your foodie self shine.

The LINK coordinator is on site to coach your team

Preferred Serving Method:

  • Buffet Style – reusable trays, cups, and utensils
  • Washing dishes in LINK’s kitchen
  • 10-14 volunteers (2 people for dish washing)

Minimized Dish Washing Option:

  • Buffet Style – disposable plates and utensils.
  • Serving group must supply disposable serving items
  • 10 volunteers (no dish washing team required)

Plan your Menu

  • 5 gallons of milk
  • 3 – 48-ounce bags of lettuce, plus other fresh vegetables for salads
  • Salad bottled dressings – 1 French, 1 Italian, and 1 Ranch
  • 3 loaves of white sandwich bread
  • 3 loaves of wheat sandwich bread
  • 125 main course servings
    • 13 –  9” x 13” casseroles or equivalent
    • 1 casserole that is a  vegetarian option
  • 6 bags frozen or 3 #10 cans of vegetables
  • 2 #10 cans of fruit  or bagged oranges or bananas
  • 1  –  1 pound tub of butter or margarine
  • Desserts if you can do it — everyone’s favorite part!


Download the LINK serving guide



Time to Eat!
Time to Eat!

Prep – Serve – Tidy Up – Smile

  • Arrive at 11:30 – make sure your meal can be prepped within an hour – LINK staff is there to help!
  • The meal is served from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
  • As meals are served, wash incoming dishes, wipe down the serving tables and all surfaces.
  • Wipe down tables as guests leave to make the table ready for the next guest.
  • Dry dishes, separate the serving group dishes from LINK’s
  • Put things away
  • Remove all trash to the dumpster

Thank you! High five!